Minutes of Meeting by Wendy

CRA Website Meeting

Present:  Benny De Souza, Ann Turner, Judith Glover, Anna Barker, Neil Bevan, John Dibley, George Crawford, Neil Clegg, Wendy Leveridge

25th Feburary 9.30am-11.30am
Benny deSouza’s house
5 Parklands Way, Worcester Park, KT4 7HT

1.      Blog & website
Benny had created a blog with all the details of the emails about the meeting and his own research regarding blogs, hosting and packages.   http://clickbds.blogspot.co.uk/

A blog of the neighbourhood watch (NHW) blog was shown from Epsom and Ewell which can contain up to 20 pages (separate headings).  The NHW website was also shown demonstrating the map, statistics and email collection from the public.  A blog is free and can also contain pictures although is more like a scroll rather than an interactive website.

It was felt that a website would be more beneficial for the purpose of the residents association as a lot of the information is more static rather than constantly updated.  However Judith had mentioned that it would be good to have a separate website  for legal purposes as it is difficult for the local councilors to comment on various activities within the Cuddington Ward that may go onto ‘twitter’ or a blog.

A Facebook page was another option but maybe limited as people have to log on but would suit a certain group of people. 

Statistics were quoted about the Cuddington Ward by Ann ‘over 3000 households in the Ward of which John Dibley has over 250 signed up for NHW emails from a database’ and also more from George including  ‘we are the most educated ward with most residents having degrees!’.

Long term we may provide the magazine for free or reduce to 2/3 times a year depending on funds.
The funds have recently improved due to fundraising although local councilors reminded members of when funds were very low.    It was thought that paying Tristan Bradley £600 then a further £50 a month maintenance fee (for 3 years) was too much.

2.      New Software
Benny has a new ‘Web Plus X7’ that can be used to create a website and is willing to help start the new website.  He has not tried it yet although Benny has invited those interested to take a look.
Action: Those interested please contact Benny

3.      Host
Neil Clegg uses ‘Serif’ which can host the website and there are 3 different packages (prices per annum), silver (19.99) gold (39.99) and platinum (79.99) although it was thought the silver package would be sufficient to start with.

The website should also be applicable for mobile devices and can be resized but this can be done by having 2 different size pages.  Neil suggested to have a ‘storyboard’ first of what we would like to see on our website to get an idea of the layout.

The website ‘Lowcostnames’ (LCN) was looked at to see the cost of ‘cuddingtononline.co.uk’ for a domain name which was £6 for 2 years.  However the name may need to include ‘Worcester Park’ or ‘Young Cuddingtonian’ was also suggested by John Dibley.

 Action: Anna and Wendy to look at Web designs on ‘Sefira’  + also on ‘you tube’.

Judith mentioned that she is still being contacted by the company ‘Network solutions’ who the CRA have the domain name ‘ www.cuddingtonra.org’ with.  The CRA could still have a separate static website with links to the new one.  Action:  Judith to forward the link to Wendy

4.      Web contents
In addition to those listed on the email (below)  contents could include a map and recipes.

How to contact the CRA
Joining the CRA  - pay pal?
Information about Neighbourhood Watch
Links to Epsom and Ewell borough council
How to advertise in the magazine
Links to Twitter and Facebook
Link to Worcester Park blog

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