CRA Agenda / Election of Officers

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Sent: ‎Thursday‎, ‎13‎ ‎March‎ ‎2014 ‎14‎:‎05

Hi Benny,
Here are the minutes of the CRA meeting for you.

 ON THE 10th APRIL 2014 at St. Mary’s church, Leverton Room starting at 8.00pm
1)                  Apologies for Absence
2)                  Matters Arising from meeting on 6th March 2014.
3)                  Signing Off the Minutes
4)                  Report
                                               Treasurer                                 Dipak  Rao
                                               Membership Secretary                        Wendy Leveridge
                                               Neighbourhood  Watch                        John Dibley
                                               Advertising Manager                Thelma Bevan
                                               Magazine                                 Malcolm Clark
                                               County Matters                                    C/Cllr  Eber Kington
                                               Borough Matters                      Cllr  George Crawford
                                                                                                Cllr Robert Foote
                                                                                                            Cllr Judith Glover
5)                  Social events
6)                  Any other business
Next  meeting:   The next meeting will be 1st May  2014.
Apologies for Absence:   Numbers present: 24.
As this was the AGM – Election of Officers took place – all existing Officers were re-elected and the only change was the Web Editor – now Anna Barker.
Matters Arising:  None.
Minutes signed off.
Treasurer’s Report:  Dipak passed around End of Year Accounts – funds are very healthy at present.
Membership Secretary: Wendy informed the meeting that 80% of the subs had been collected so far for 2013. S/O are 5% of the total. Cllr George Crawford made mention that  he was in favour of dropping the cost of £3 subscription fee and to provide a magazine for free. This will be discussed further at later meetings. Wendy also informed the residents that a meeting was held to discuss the ongoing situation regarding our lack of Website. Now both Wendy and Anna will be working together to get our Website up and running with the help of Benny De Souza.
Neighbourhood Watch: John  informed the meeting that the Neighbourhood Watch Website for Epsom and Ewell is now up and running. Our resident Benny de Souza along with another resident Neil Clegg have set this up together. Worth a visit.
Cyber Crime –This is now becoming very serious.  If you are concerned – go online to Surrey Police who will give you information on how to deal with it. You can purchase anti-virus packages for your computer. Be careful how you pay for goods online – check that the site you are using is secure. Never download any emails that you don’t immediately recognise.
Cold Calling – This is a particular nuisance. Just get rid of anyone calling on you, as quickly as possible. Do not engage with them and only deal with companies you know or have been recommended to you. If you are suspicious of a cold caller – just call 101 and inform the police of your worries. The next Police Panel meeting is Thursday 24 April at 8pm  in the Leverton room.
Advertising: Thelma is still working on gaining advertisers.
Magazine:   Malcolm was pleased that the latest Spring edition of the magazine had been well received.   
County Matters:  C/Cllr Eber Kington said that the damage to roads and bridges as a result of the recent flooding in Surrey will require up to £15 million capital and £5 million revenue spending to repair. Unfortunately, and despite the Prime Minister’s assurance that all costs would be covered by the Government, national funding is limited and is not available to cover damage to roads.
CC Kington gave details of an item on casework which illustrated prompt action by the local Highway Engineer. It had taken less than six hours from a report by a Cuddington resident of a damaged drain for the Engineer to inspect the site, visit the resident and order remedial work.
CC Kington informed the meeting that educational standards in the Borough’s schools continues to be above the Surrey and national average.
Ewell Court RA and other local organisations have set up a Community Fund to raise money for enhancements to Ewell Court House.
Borough Matters: Cllr George Crawford informed the meeting that both the old Nursery near the Hogsmill and the Adam Bristow plant have Enforcement notices against them to close down – this will happen, but it will take a little time to instigate.
Cllr Crawford had raised concerned about the cost of parking at Epsom hospital – of the revenue raised - £880k – only £177k finds its way back to make improvement at Epsom hospital – the rest goes in administration costs!
SHAD BOLT PARK BIG DAY OUT -  Set for Saturday 28 June – meeting are taking place and things are moving forward. We hope this will be a success and we can hold this event every year.
Cllr Crawford let everyone know about the entertainment for St. Patrick’s Night – 17 March – Tickets £5 and can be obtained from Cllr Crawford.
Cllr Robert Foote informed the meeting that trees had become a big issue at the moment, if anyone has a problem with fallen trees etc. they should telephone the Contact Centre.
Cllr Judith Glover:
1.      Progress is being made on organising the Shadbolt park Big Day Out.
2.      No further information from the Ismali Community. No current application lodged. I have been invited to the London Ismali Centre for a presentation on Fracking by Edward Davey MP. It will be interesting to see the interior of the centre and how it is laid out.
3.      Wangas are considering alternative sites for the MUGA.
4.      A new Website will be developed by Wendy and Anna.
5.      Date for the next Borough litter picking is set for Saturday 17 May 8.30 – 10.30am. Collect pickers from Judith Glover’s house.
6.      Quiz Night in Autumn – potential dates: 27 Sept/18 October – to be confirmed.
7.      There’s an additional bid for an extra piece of gym equipment in Shadbolt Park. Some Mums are interested in improving the children’s playground.
Planning: 12 Vale Road – Proposed erection of single-storey rear extension.
                    48 Edenfield Gardens – Erection of Porch and wrought iron railings and gate to front boundary.
                 29 Fairford Gardens – 5m deep single storey rear extension.
                  3 Kinross Avenue – Erection of single-storey side extension.
                  2 Avon Close – Demolitioin of existing garage and erection of a single-storey front/side extension.
                29 Elmstead Gardens – 6m deep single-storey rear extension.
                Grafton Wood, Grafton Road – Erecti9on of two frong extension s, erection of balcony over existing porch. Alterations to the side boundary wall and the roof of the property and erection of first floor rear extensions.
                60 Edenfield Gardens – Erection of front extension to dwelling to form a front porch.
ospitalH.The Silver bank
Any Other Business: A resident raised the subject of potholes in Salisbury road outside Cuddington Community school – poorly repaired – can CC Kington look into this.
White Hatched lines area in Cromwell road – when will this be carried out. 
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


DATE 6th March 2014

The President will chair the start of the meeting.

ELECTION OF OFFICERS                                      PROPOSED                                         SECONDED       
Chairman           NEIL BEVAN                             KEN ROBINSON                                DIPAK RAO
The meeting will then be chaired by the Chairman.
President           KEN ROBINSON                     NEIL BEVAN                                      GEORGE CRAWFORD
Vice Chairman                                                   NONE
Treasurer           DIPAK RAO                            KEN ROBINSON                                ANN TURNER
Secretary           ANN TURNER                        NEIL BEVAN                                      JOHN DIBLEY
Mem/Sec           WENDY LEVERIDGE            NEIL BEVAN                                       ANN TURNER
Web Editor        ANNA BARKER                     WENDY LEVERIDGE                         ANN TURNER
Mag/Editor        MALCOLM CLARK               NEIL BEVAN                                       ANN TURNER
Neighbourhood Watch
                              JOHN DIBLEY                     GEORGE CRAWFORD                       ANN TURNER
Advertising Sec    THELMA BEVAN               ANN TURNER                                    SHEILA ROBINSON
Planning Co-Ordinator
                              GEORGE CRAWFORD       NEIL BEVAN                                       ANN TURNER
Auditor               S.C.LIN                                   DIPAK RAO                                       NEIL BEV AN


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