CRA New LOGO replies

Hi all,
Thank you very much for your replies and it looks like the majority of replies were keen to see ‘Shadbolt Park House’ as part of the Cuddington Residents’ Association new logo. 
As from the picture there was also an oak tree next to the house which could also be included as there were some positive replies to include an oak tree.
All the replies and comments have been passed onto Susan Jackson, who works as a graphic designer for Surrey County Council in Kingston.
Further updates will be sent out once we have more details about the new logo as we are hoping to use the logo on our new website and forthcoming Cuddingtonian magazines.
Please let me know if you require any further information.
Kind regards,
Wendy Leveridge
Membership Secretary
Cuddington Residents’ Association
Tel: 0208 617 0355


Dear Wendy,
cc: CRA WEB design team members)

Thanks for your message below kindly asking for opinions for a new CRA Logo from the examples you have provided and free to other open suggestions. (Sorry I could not add the logos attached due to slight format problems).

Really speaking I should not try and provide an opinion as in the past I have had little experience with CRA though being a member since we came to Worcester Park in 1980, as my life has been around social entertainment, and since being a NHW Co-ordinator, I have begun to pay more attention to what is going around and appreciating all the work CRA do for our community, which is well focused in your quarterly booklets.

With my 2p input, I would like to say none of the logos you have provided would match your new CRA logo which I feel would be more in line with the the Young Youth in mind you hope to introduce to our community, and as such I think some ideas connecting a young image(s) should be considered.

The only Logo which would come closest to my choice would be St. Mary's Church Worcester Park, (but a better photograph or perhaps a 3D photograph combining a young element). This is only my suggestion also taking note that this would bring Worcester Park in line as it is the only CRA web not included amongst the others and above all, you host all your meetings at St. Mary's, supported by the Local Rev. of the Church. All told it is your choice and worth waiting for Susan Jackson Graphic Designer to come up with her Logo.

As there are so many CRA's the best I like covering much information is well presented and choice of viewing other CRA's.

At the meeting held at 5 Parklands Way with your team, there was a fair amount of discussion with regard to websites. I personally think it is very important for the good image of CRA, a good way of raising funds through publicity, highlighting all CRA activities directly to members via email and also unlimited advantages for which I fully support, so you are on track.

The idea of giving all members a free booklet released quarterly is also great and with other activities via your website will help make this possible for I am sure when you, Ana, Judith work on your new site entertaining the 'Young Ones' by creating interests for the young, your membership will grow 10 fold making affordable to release 500 to 1,000 booklets. for free.

Last but not least, I am very proud you all have decided to work creating your own website so you do not have to continually pay the expert web designers. You and Anna have impressed me greatly with the dynamic drive to create your own and you will certainly enjoy the new Serif WebDesign X7 software  which has the user guide and resource guide plus on-line video clips which is a gift to you and your team from me wishing you every success.

Best regards to all.

= = = = = = = = = = = =

(Message below from Wendy to CRA Web team memembers)

Hi all,
As mentioned at the CRA meeting last night we would like to get your opinion on a new CRA logo and have attached some ideas of the type of logo’s that are available with the word Cuddington in that was handed round. 
We have also included pictures of St. Mary’s Church and Shadbolt Park House which would be nice to have as a line drawing similar to the Ewell Court RA logo but would need someone to draw this!
Please also let me know if you prefer something else as there are lots of different styles so we are open to your suggestions.
We are very grateful to have received an offer of help, made contact through Thelma Bevan, with our new CRA logo from a local resident Susan Jackson who is a graphic designer for the Borough of Kingston Upon Thames council. Therefore we would be grateful if you could let me know your preference from the list below. 
a.       Words similar to Cuddington Buckinghamshire i.e. Cuddington Residents’ Association, Worcester Park
b.      Oak tree
c.       Line drawing of St. Mary’s Church
d.      Line drawing of Shadbolt Park House
e.      Residential house  i.e. similar to SARA
f.        Cuddington RA with shield i.e. similar to golf club
g.       Letters CRA  similar to style of Cuddington Croft School
h.      Other: please send a link or picture of a style of logo you prefer
Look forward to your replies and please let me know if you have any questions or comments.
Kind regards,
Wendy Leveridge
CRA Membership Secretary
Tel: 0208 617 0355
Join Cuddington Online on Facebook

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