Singing Swinging Councillor George Crawford Entertains

Dear CRA Members

It was a very interesting meeting this morning and lovely to see all you CRA members provide good input which I do hope at the end a good result will be achieved which I am sure will be the case.

As mentioned before, I will be happy to share some of my experience with the web design if you choose to use Seriff WebPlus X7 (software provided by myself and at no cost), and equally will be happy to teach any of your members to set up blog spots etc.

The meeting certainly ended with a good note, our Councillor George Crawford QPM playing the guitar and entertaining us with his lovely voice and Irish songs where I managed to grab my camera and capture a little of the singing which I have added below and posted without permission as this blog was only for the CRA team meeting. If there are any objections to this posting, please let me know and I will withdraw the short video clip and photographs.



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