CRA Website - Progress Meeting (Wendy & Anna)

CRA Team Meeting.  Tuesday, 8 April 2014, 21:34
Subject: RE: CRA Website demo

Dear Wendy & Anna

Thanks for your CRA Website Demo. What can I say, just an excellent start and before long you will have a superb site. It did not take me long to observe that you both are well switched on and in the short while viewing Serif software, Wendy, you took control on the laptop and was working your way through templates etc. You were even making changes to templates and before long you, Anna and Judith will certainly keep your website updated with lots of exciting information etc which I will also follow.

Once again wishing you all the best and every success with your new exciting project. If there is anything Neil or myself can do to help, feel free to call but as it seems I will soon have to come to you for lessons.

You are most welcome to host your meetings at 5 Parklands Way. Betty and I are always at home being retired folks so no problems at all.

= = = = = = = = =
Posting below from Anna.

Hi Wendy, I am impressed!  A very good start and I am sure you and Anna are both going in the right direction.  Keep up the good work, we will soon be back into the 21st Century!
All the best


From: Wendy Leveridge <>
To: 'B DESOUZA' <>; 'Neil Clegg' <>; 'Anna Barker' <>
Cc: 'Judith Glover' <>; 'Ann Turner' <>; 'George Crawford' <>;; 'dipak rao' <>; 'Neilbevan' <>
Sent: Tuesday, 8 April 2014, 21:34
Subject: RE: CRA Website demo

Hi all,
Thank you very much for meeting up today and I have made a start this evening with a basic mock version of the website on powerpoint which I have attached.  Please let me know any comments and thoughts!
As discussed it would be good to get a layout similar to the template design of although still open to other options at this stage.
Minutes from our meeting:
Domain name
Just to confirm that we will continue with the domain name of ‘’ which we should be able to renew for free for 1 more year as we set it up for 2 years.
Serif offers silver, gold and platinum packages at 19.99 p.a., 39.99 p.a. and 79.99 p.a   as shown on the link:
Will discuss further which package to obtain, probably either silver or gold.
Seriff was purchased at a cost of £45 which will be delivered to Benny’s house and Anna can then set up Seriff on her home computer for the new website. Both Benny and Neil are very supportive and able to help out with setting up the CRA website.  A website design would be good to start with and then look at a mobile design for phones and also tablets.
Linking Up
Once the template has been set up and designed then we need to link up the website to the host company and domain name.(Benny and Neil to help out with this!)
Data Protection & privacy laws  to be looked into and included on the website if data is collected.
Thelma Bevan has passed on details of Susan Jackson, a graphic designer for Kingston Upon Thames Borough Council, who is able to help with a CRA logo for the website.
Some ideas can be discussed at the resident’s meeting on Thursday 10th April.  Some initial ideas are an outline of the church, doctor’s surgery, tree or view of The Ave.
Hope this is all ok and thanks again for your valuable input and time today.
Kind regards,
From: B DESOUZA []
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2014 1:04 PM
To: Wendy Leveridge
Subject: Re: CRA Website meeting - Tuesday 8th April
Dear Wendy & Anna   cc: Neil

CRA Website

It was nice meeting up and more pleasing both of you have have decided to build your own website which you two will manage and keep it updated. A very good move and before long when you receive your new software, you will soon see how easy it is to do everything yourself. Wishing you all the best.

Neil, your great support as always much appreciated. It is so kind of you to make time assisting all for a good cause especially when you had to rush back to work. What would we do without you. Thanks again.

As for your Shadbolt Park Open day, I look forward to the day out and equally producing some live music. I will also be backing Councillor George with some of his songs so it will be fun.

For the past two years I have provided entertainment at Teddington. Click on the link below to view some of the fun action which has been great and most enjoyable especially were we can buy our own food and drinks and all the children and grandchildren joining in with the fun.

Anna I will let you know when your software arrives.

Wishing you all the very best and all the success in working to encourage new young CRA members to join your network where you will host many social activities.

Best regards

From: Wendy Leveridge <>
Cc: 'Anna Barker' <>; 'Neil Clegg' <>; 'Betty DeSouza' <>
Sent: Sunday, 6 April 2014, 11:03
Subject: Re: CRA Website meeting - Tuesday 8th April
Hi Benny,

Just confirming that the meeting is still on as planned for Tuesday 8th April at 9.30am at your house, 5 Parklands Way.

Outline of agenda for the CRA website:
Domain Name
Linking up
CRA Logo

Thank you very much for hosting and look forward to seeing everyone then.

Kind regards,
Tel: 0208 617 0355

Hi Wendy cc Anna & Neil

Please confirm the meeting is still on as planned for Tuesday 8th April.
Date was reserved for your meeting and no problems.
Regards - Benny

----- Forwarded Message -----From: B DESOUZA <>
To: BenitoDe Souza <> 
Sent: Friday, 4 April 2014, 11:30
Subject: Fw: CRA website storyboard

----- Forwarded Message -----From: B DESOUZA <>
To: logger Intrepid <>; Anna Barker <>; Neil Clegg <> 
Sent: Tuesday, 25 March 2014, 17:13
Subject: Re: CRA website storyboard

Hi Wendy

cc: Anna & Neil

Tuesday 8th April is fine and most welcome to host your meeting at 
5 Parklands Way, Worcester Park, Surrey KT4 7HT any time in the morning preferably after 9.30 am.


From: logger Intrepid <>
To: Anna Barker <>; "" <>; Neil Clegg <> 
Sent: Tuesday, 25 March 2014, 13:29
Subject: Re: CRA website storyboard

Hi all,

Thanks for the all the input and maybe we could get together on Tuesday 8th April in the morning.

Benny - would it be ok to use your house again?

Please let me know if you can make it.

Kind regards,

On Monday, 24 March 2014, 12:33, Anna Barker <> wrote:
Hi Wendy, I think this is the link for the Serrif templates, looks really interesting.

From: logger Intrepid [] 
Sent: 16 March 2014 08:22
To: Neil Clegg
Cc: 'Anna Barker';
Subject: Re: CRA website storyboard

Hi Neil,

Thank you very much for the information.

Thelma has given my contact details to a graphic designer that lives close to her and works for Kingston Council who maybe able to help out with a logo.  

As for the storyboard the list that both Anna and I put together was to get an idea of what we would to include on the website.  It would need to be broken down as to what it actually on the home page and were thinking along similar lines of the Stoneleigh and Auriol website.

For using Serif we don't have any more details and so thought it maybe a good idea to meet up again and go through this as well but am a bit busy at the moment.  I am at home during the Easter holidays ie from 7th-17th April so maybe we could arrange something then.

Let me know if any dates in early April would work.

Kind regards,

On Thursday, 13 March 2014, 23:41, Neil Clegg <> wrote:
Hi Wendy,

I hope life is treating you well. You've certainly made a good start on your web site plan and I would agree entirely that getting a basic site up and running first, then adding to it is the way forward. Once you've got an outline of the main pages, its also worth thinking about these two key points ...

·         Considering how pages will link together - are they accessed from the main page or will some navigate only from other higher level pages ? A heavy menu is always a bit off putting, but you have to balance that against someone actually finding the information in the first place.
·         Pictures. Graphics are key these days, though (luckily for people like me) you don't have to be a full time designer to get it right. With web packages like Serif there are a number of options already available to you within the design and of course you can buy pictures if you need them.

If you have a logo already, that will make up the "branding" on your site - something that standards out as the CRA. If you don't, its worth thinking about one - it doesn't have to be too fancy, just something that you can use to represent your new site ... and the CRA itself. If you have a member who's into graphics, ask their opinion too. Given you're linked to an area, a map is always a good starting point - which is what we did with NHW.

If you do get a logo done by someone else, ensure you have a version with a transparent background too - as you may not always have a white background on your pages!

Once that's sorted - and its best to get it done as much as you can on paper first, you'll be ready to try out Benny's Web Plus X7 package or something similar. 

In terms of build, this is briefly how it works - apologies if you know this already ...

Domain Name

At the moment, you have purchased the domain name "". As you say, you'll need to renew it when it expires and you can usually purchase it for a number of years at a discounted rate if you prefer.


Along with the name you'll need some hosting - basically space on a web server that's already connected to the internet that will hold your web site's pages. I think you said you wanted to use Serif which makes sense if you're using their package to build it (and you can always change it later anyway). For hosting, all you'll really need, at least to start off with, is a small amount of web space and maybe some e-mails. When you build a web site, say, using Serif, you're actually creating it locally on your PC. When you come to build or "publish" it, the package creates the files you'll need to share, and its these that get placed on the web server - the "hosted" part. By hosting them, other people - your browsing public can access them assuming they know the name. 

Linking them up

Once that's done and you're ready to go, the last part of the puzzle is to link up the name with your site. They can be managed by different people/companies, you just have to link them up. In your case, you'll simply change the details at Network Solutions) to tell them where your hosted files are. For the technical, this is known as a DNS or domain name server ... all it really does is link your with the address of your hosted site - known as an IP address, which Serif will give you. That may sound all a bit cryptic but in reality its quite straight forward. Everything on the internet is based around these addresses, but to us, they're known by the name.

Anyway, once the design's finalised, your next step would be to use something like Serif to build your site. As I say, that's done locally on your PC - you only need the hosting when you're ready to publish.

I hope that at least clarifies the next steps and how it will work in the future. Like I say, if you have any questions or get stuck, either Benny or I can help you out. 

Best wishes,


Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 21:41:16 +0000
Subject: FW: CRA website storyboard
Hi Benny,

Judith has forwarded on the details of the network solutions but I am not sure where to start to in order to get a website running!

(There is another email with a logon and password that she has forwarded.)

I met up with Anna this week to go through to find out what we would like to included in our website which is attached as a start for our storyboard, although still a work in progress as some of the links could be requested for advertising.

Our main thoughts are to get a basic ‘’ started with contact details and links on.

Would you be able to help us to go through this with what network solutions have offered.  (Also noted that are domain name expires in June!)

Kind regards,


Re: CRA Website demo

FROM George Crawford TO You

As an IT I stand back from doing anything in this area. However, I must thank you on behalf of Cuddington Residents for giving your time and expertise and now look forward to the finished product as produced by Anna and Wendy.

 I am off to Paris to-morrow for a quick trip but will make contact when I get back.

Best wishes to Betty and yourself.

On Tuesday, 8 April 2014, 21:35, Wendy Leveridge <> wrote:
Hi all,

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